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Los Angeles Juvenile Criminal Attorney

When a young person is accused of a crime or is being investigated, it is a painful, stressful time for everyone in the family, the juvenile, the parents, the siblings, and the grandparents. There is the fear that the police, prosecutors, and judges will not treat the young person as the child that he or she is, a child that has simply used youthful poor judgment and made a mistake.

Although the juvenile court system was originally created to rehabilitate and not punish youthful offenders, the harsh laws that have recently been enacted have diminished that mission statement.  Children as young as twelve are now being detained by the police and questioned without their parents or an attorney present. 

The "Three Strikes Law" has been held to apply to juvenile convictions or adjudications.  Therefore, your child needs an advocate and a guide through this system to prevent their adult lives from being adversely affected.  The police send undercover officers into schools and often entrap young, insecure students to commit crimes such as sales of marijuana.

Protecting the Rights and Freedom of Children

At Eisner Gorin LLP, a Southern California criminal defense law firm, our juvenile crime lawyers protect the rights and freedom of young people, negotiating with the appropriate authorities to try to prevent the child from being treated as an adult.  If necessary, we then represent the child in juvenile court, where a juvenile can still be held in custody until they reach adulthood. In fact, some juvenile crimes are treated more harshly than if the crime had been committed by an adult.

At every stage of a juvenile case, we aggressively, compassionately represent our young clients; applying our decades of experience to find creative ways to solve problems.  At Eisner Gorin LLP, we are not only interested in the facts of the case, we counsel the juvenile clients in an attempt to catch any problems before they become problems in court.  We are concerned with our clients' grades in school as well as their attendance, since that is what the Juvenile court is concerned with. 

If necessary, counselors are brought in to assess the client and determine if there is any reason for a certain behavior.  We always approach the authorities with rehabilitation options, attempting to avoid our clients' incarceration. We also use other strategies learned from years of criminal defense practice to mitigate sentencing.

Listening to Our Young Clients

One of the things we do best at Eisner Gorin LLP is listen. Young people often feel that no one will listen to them, especially not a stuffy lawyer. We have had many years of experience working with juveniles and always give them and their legal cases the attention they deserve. As parents and grandparents ourselves, we are keenly aware of family dynamics and how they play a role in the proper representation of juvenile clients. It is our job and goal to differentiate your child from the others at the Juvenile court, thereby giving your son or daughter the best chance to succeed.

Types of California Juvenile Crimes

Some of the juvenile crimes we handle include the following:

Contact a Juvenile Criminal Attorney Immediately

If a young person in your family has been charged with or is being investigated for a juvenile crime, please contact us. It is critical that your young loved one get help from an attorney immediately. We know how important this is and will work out a payment plan that will fit your situation.

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We speak English, Russian, Armenian, and Spanish.

Attorney Dmitry Gorin If you have one phone call from jail, call us! If you are facing criminal charges, DON'T talk to the police first. TALK TO US!

(818) 781-1570
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