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Eastlake Juvenile Court (Delinquency)

Southern California Criminal Courts

Eastlake Juvenile Court (Delinquency) 1601 Eastlake Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90033  

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Eastlake Juvenile Courthouse Website: Eastlake Juvenile Courthouse Hours: Clerk's Office - 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Phone #s: Click here to see the latest phone numbers Parking: Street parking only. Parking for the disabled is provided. Food: There is a snack bar by the reception area. Disabilities:

Access to parking, building and restrooms.

Click here for additional access information for persons with disabilities.


Centralized functions include Sealing of Juvenile Records; all incoming Inter-County transfers; all outgoing Inter-County transfers to Eastlake Juvenile Court, Kenyon Juvenile Justice Center, and the Long Beach, Compton, Pasadena, and Pomona Courthouses (outgoing Inter-County transfers to Sylmar, Inglewood, Los Padrinos, and Antelope Valley Juvenile Courts are processed at Sylmar Juvenile Court); psychotropic drug information and log numbers for Eastlake Juvenile Court, Kenyon Juvenile Justice Center, and the Long Beach, Compton, Pasadena, and Pomona Courthouses (psychotropic information and log numbers for Sylmar and Antelope Valley Juvenile Courts are given at Sylmar Juvenile Court; Inglewood and Los Padrinos Juvenile Courts provide this information at their respective locations); appeals, rehearing determinations and California Youth Authority (CYA) processing.

"Petition for Disclosure of Juvenile Records" form #JV570

Form may be obtained at any courthouse, but is submitted to the Presiding Judge of the Juvenile Court.

Informational packets

Forms for sealing of juvenile records available at all Juvenile Court locations.

We speak English, Russian, Armenian, and Spanish.

Attorney Dmitry Gorin If you have one phone call from jail, call us! If you are facing criminal charges, DON'T talk to the police first. TALK TO US!

(818) 781-1570
Anytime 24/7
