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Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys and Celebrity Drug Charges

Posted by Dmitry Gorin | Apr 26, 2011 | 0 Comments

You may remember Antoine Dodson from his "hide ya kids, hide ya wife" screams when someone attempted to rape a tenant in his apartment complex. Now, however, Mr. Dodson is known for being arrested for marijuana possession and is in need of a Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney to represent him. Dodson was arrested in Alabama by Huntsville police at roughly 2:30 in the morning. He was booked on misdemeanor charges of possession of marijuana and released shortly there after. According to the jail's website, Dodson was hit with other misdemeanor charges, two of which were for failing to appear on a traffic charge and one was for failing to have insurance. He also has a speeding charge. Dodson was made famous when he loudly called out an alleged attempted rapist in his community. He has since made numerous appearances on talk shows, including Tosh.0, and had many parody songs dedicated to himself and his outlandish "hide ya kids" rant. The celebrity may have contributed to his new found drug habit. Marijuana possession may not seem like a serious thing, but as any Defense Attorney will tell you, any criminal case is a severe threat. This case may just have been a misdemeanor, but it could create problems if there are any future drug charges. In fact, even a misdemeanor could lead to jail time if the judge decides such action is warranted. Dodson is not the first celebrity in trouble this week. Nic Cage was arrested for potential domestic violence charges and ex-Destiny's Child singer Farrah Franklin was arrested for disturbing the peace in Los Angeles. The lawyer in these cases will work tirelessly to defend them, but people of all walks of life can find themselves facing severe legal troubles in criminal court. If you or someone you love has been charged with, arrested for or accused of a drug crime, contact Kestenbaum Eisner & Gorin, LLP by calling 877-781-1570. Our skilled lawyers can provide a top notch criminal defense, and our ability to defend you in court is backed by our successful track record. Call us today for your initial consultation and let us help keep you out of prison and free from fines. Tagged as: drug crimes defense

About the Author

Dmitry Gorin

Dmitry Gorin is a State-Bar Certified Criminal Law Specialist, who has been involved in criminal trial work and pretrial litigation since 1994. Before becoming partner in Eisner Gorin LLP, Mr. Gorin was a Senior Deputy District Attorney in Los Angeles Courts for more than ten years. As a criminal tri...


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