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Los Angeles Sex Crimes and DNA

Posted by Dmitry Gorin | May 21, 2010 | 0 Comments

When a Los Angeles Sex Crimes Defense Attorney represents someone charged with a sex crime, he usually has to be concerned with witness testimony, circumstantial evidence and physical evidence. On occasion, the physical evidence includes DNA taken from either the scene of the crime or from the victim's body. In a recent case, police say a convicted felon who was deported to Mexico three years ago was allegedly molesting an 11 year old girl in Southern California. He was arrested Monday and investigators used DNA evidence from an alleged February 11 attack against him. He supposedly entered the girl's bedroom by removing a screen in an unlocked window. He also allegedly admitted that he had assaulted at least for other females ranging in age from 11 to 22. The man was booked on suspicion of felony assault to commit rape as well as burglary. For a Los Angeles Sex Crimes Defense Attorney, DNA can be a double edged sword. It can either exonerate a client, or convict them. However, DNA evidence can be incredibly faulty. For example, all it implies is that the alleged victim and the defendant made some sort of contact. For two adults, it may simply imply that they had intercourse. For an adult and an individual that is underage, it could be fare more complicated than that. Prosecutors attempt to convince juries that DNA evidence is a smoking gun, but it is not all that clear. However, only a skilled Los Angeles Sex Crimes Defense Attorney can effectively combat a jury's response to such evidence. Frequently committed Los Angeles Sex Crimes include rape, statutory rape, date rape, lewd conduct, pandering, prostitution, child pornography, child molestation and more. Any lawyer who defends someone charged with such a crime must invest heavily into investigating the claims of the alleged victim, any witnesses, DNA evidence and even medical records. The penalties for Los Angeles Sex Crimes include imprisonment, being placed on the sex offender registry, probation, parole, large fines, restitution, court ordered counseling and more. For a normal person, it could lead to the end of their life as they know it. Sex offenders are seen as pariah within any community, forced to live far from schools, parks, and anywhere else children are present. You could even be limited in your job opportunities. If you or someone you love has been charged with Los Angeles Sex Crimes, contact the defense attorneys at Kestenbaum Eisner & Gorin, LLP at 877-781-1570. With over 50 years of combined experience with criminal matters, sex crimes and government prosecutors, we can craft an effective legal defense on your behalf. Tagged as: los angeles sex crime defense attorney


Ericka Carlos on June 7, 2010 at 5:51 p.m. wrote: It is funny how people switch their stance on DNA evidence only when such factors are beneficial to their side. DNA evidence has also played an important role in releasing innocent individuals from prison, in cases that were on appeal and forensic analysts were finally able to test the evidence that had been in bags for years. On the other hand, it has helped society in general, in some cases where an inmate had a host of charges against them, and it is later found that the individual is not responsible for a particular crime they were thought to have commited-and we know that the person guilty of the crime is still at large. While it may be unclear in some cases what kind of contact was made, there is no question that semen on a 7year old's underwear is clear-cut evidence that someone had illegal and innapropriate contact with the child. Pariya UCLA on June 4, 2010 at 12:19 a.m. wrote: This is a very interesting an eye-opening post. I also thought that DNA is the best evidence of our time. On the other hand, it seems like we need to keep the case-to-case variation in mind. I think DNA testing shows some sort of evidence is there, but it does not demonstrate how specific or general the evidence is. It seems like proving DNA-testing to be wrong is very challenging; since we are relying on it so much in forensics.

About the Author

Dmitry Gorin

Dmitry Gorin is a State-Bar Certified Criminal Law Specialist, who has been involved in criminal trial work and pretrial litigation since 1994. Before becoming partner in Eisner Gorin LLP, Mr. Gorin was a Senior Deputy District Attorney in Los Angeles Courts for more than ten years. As a criminal tri...


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