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San Fernando Sex Crime Defense

Posted by Dmitry Gorin | Jul 21, 2010 | 0 Comments

Los Angeles County, and specifically the San Fernando Valley, is a hot spot for sex crime accusations, making a San Fernando Sex Crime Defense Attorney incredibly important. There are a number of factors which impact how often a person is accused of a sex crime, such as: working with the opposite gender, working with minors, having physical contact with numerous individuals, etc. In fact, certain jobs and professions can create multiple opportunities for a law abiding citizen to be accused of a San Fernando Sex Crime. Teachers throughout the San Fernando Valley are often under heavy criticism and scrutiny due to a number of factors. Teachers are often held to difficult standards by parents, teachers, politicians and even education administrators. Making matters worse, students can often accuse teachers of certain activities or crimes out of spite, and not out of their actual conduct. Sometimes these accusations are legitimate, other times these accusations spring forth from a student who wants to get a teacher in trouble for giving them a poor grade. Regardless, being on constant proximity to minors puts any teacher at a greater risk of being accused of a sex crime than many other professions. Being a teacher can also make the penalties for a sex crime more intense, making a quality San Fernando Sex Crime Defense Attorney a necessity. A recent case involves a middle school teacher in the Hollywood area. The teacher resides in the San Fernando Valley and was arrested on suspicion of possession of child pornography. He's been teaching since 2001 and turned himself in to authorities without incident. Police are also concerned he may have communicated with minors online via Yahoo Messenger. Anyone in such a difficult situation is going to face a difficult legal battle, making a quality San Fernando Sex Crime Defense Attorney incredibly important. Beyond jail time, this individual could be facing a lifetime on the Los Angeles Sex Offender Registry, years of probation, limited career options and more. Tagged as: sex crime accusations

About the Author

Dmitry Gorin

Dmitry Gorin is a licensed attorney, who has been involved in criminal trial work and pretrial litigation since 1994. Before becoming partner in Eisner Gorin LLP, Mr. Gorin was a Senior Deputy District Attorney in Los Angeles Courts for more than ten years. As a criminal tri...


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