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Tremendous News in Southern California Crimes

Posted by Dmitry Gorin | Dec 20, 2010 | 0 Comments

Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyers witnessed two amazing pieces of news this month, one involving a major criminal trial, another involving the death of a man who was pursued by police. In Fullerton, a city just south of Los Angeles, saw a man get sentenced to 110 years to life in state prison for murdering his neighbor when he found her in bed with his adult son. Guillermo Rodriguez was found guilty by a jury of one felony count of murder, of criminal threats and of dissuading a witness from testifying. Previously, the man had four convictions, including two for robbery and two for assault with a deadly weapon. On the night in question, he had a dinner party at his apartment. Around one in the morning, Rodriguez went out to purchase more alcohol and when he returned, he walked into the bedroom to find his 18 year old son in bed with a 42 year old neighbor. After sending his son and his girlfriend out of the room, Rodriguez allegedly strangled the 42 year old woman, wrapped her in a blanket and buried her in Victorville with his son. The body was later found by hunters who contacted police. The man's son pleaded guilty to being an accessory after the fact and was sentenced to one year in jail and three years' probation. In Long Beach, a man was shot and killed Sunday by Long Beach police. The man was suspected of sexually assaulting a family member. Officers allege that their car was flagged down early in the morning by a woman who claimed the sexual assault of a female minor had just happened. After taking to the alleged victim, officers went to the suspect's residence. Police then say the man produced a handgun at which point the officers fired on him. He was pronounced dead on the scene. These are the two worst case scenarios for anyone charged with a crime. This man may have been innocent and quite possibly had no clue why police were approaching his home. Many individuals distrust police, especially if they have a prior criminal record. However, firing on police is quite possibly the stupidest and most dangerous thing a defendant can do. Beyond the fact that you could kill an officer of the law, the officer's will fire back and the best case scenario is that you'll have another charge to deal with. The worst case scenario is that you will be killed. If you are facing any serious criminal charges, contact the Kestenbaum Eisner & Gorin, LLP today by calling 877-781-1570. Our team can help you defend yourself, stay free from prison and from fines. Call us today. Tagged as: los angeles criminal defense attorney

About the Author

Dmitry Gorin

Dmitry Gorin is a State-Bar Certified Criminal Law Specialist, who has been involved in criminal trial work and pretrial litigation since 1994. Before becoming partner in Eisner Gorin LLP, Mr. Gorin was a Senior Deputy District Attorney in Los Angeles Courts for more than ten years. As a criminal tri...


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