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White Collar Crime and Los Angeles

Posted by Dmitry Gorin | Dec 31, 2009 | 0 Comments

Los Angeles white collar defense is incredibly complicated for many reasons: juries like to convict "crooked" executives; the evidence can be difficult to follow; prosecutors can make a name for themselves convicting a high profile individuals; etc. This is why defense attorneys must be knowledge regarding the law and equipped to go "toe to toe" with the city, state or federal government's best lawyers. High profile defense attorney must be able to speak with the press without getting flustered or giving too much information away. In a recent white collar case, a New York man was formally charged last week in scam at New York University. John Runowicz, who worked as an administrator for NYU's Chemistry Department, has been accused of falsely submitting receipts by attaching them to University reimbursement request forms. Investigators in the case believe Runowicz scavenged discarded receipts at a local liquor store and claimed that they were departmental expenses to be paid for by the department's petty cash reserves. Investigators estimate that Runowicz submitted roughly 13,000 false receipts between 2003 and January of 2009, conning the University out of more than $409,000 in petty cash expenses. Runowicz, who was fired from the University this past summer after an internal audit revealed his activities, has been charged with falsifying business documents in both the first and second degrees, and grand larceny. If convicted, he could be facing up to 15 years in prison. When most people think of criminal activities, they tend to think of violent crimes such as robbery or assault. However, many crimes are committed everyday in Los Angeles that, like Runowicz's alleged criminal activity at New York University, is entirely without violence. Crimes such as embezzlement, fraud or identity theft are typically committed with no threat of violence whatsoever. These crimes are commonly called “white collar" crimes, and while they may not appear as dangerous as violent crimes, they are also taken very seriously in Los Angeles. Most white collar crimes also involve lengthy jail sentences, large fines and either probation or parole in the case of a conviction. If you or someone you know has been charged with a crime such as embezzlement or fraud, call the attorneys at Kestenbaum, Eisner & Gorin, LLP today. Let us fight for you, call us at 877-781-1570. Tagged as: los angeles embezzlement, los angeles white collar defense attorney

About the Author

Dmitry Gorin

Dmitry Gorin is a State-Bar Certified Criminal Law Specialist, who has been involved in criminal trial work and pretrial litigation since 1994. Before becoming partner in Eisner Gorin LLP, Mr. Gorin was a Senior Deputy District Attorney in Los Angeles Courts for more than ten years. As a criminal tri...


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